Update from Administrator – June 8, 2021
June 8, 2021
Dear Family Members
Hello, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Patrick McDonnell, and I am the new Administrator at Shady Knoll Health Care Center. I am excited to be returning to Athena Health Care Systems where I started my career in 1998. I practice an open-door policy with everyone and please do not hesitate to contact me via email at administrator@shadyknollhcc.com. I look forward to working with the leadership team and staff in providing quality care and services to the residents.
As the COVID-19 guidance from the CDC allows for increased activities and interactions in nursing homes we look forward to re-opening the center under the “new normal”. We will continue to screen family members and visitors at the reception desk and offer the proper PPE for your safety. As we work out the details of returning back to normal, we appreciate your ongoing flexibility while we try to meet everyone’s needs.
Our Recreation Team is actively working to expand programming to socialize our residents. Please remember that we continue to request visits to be pre-scheduled to ensure safe and healthy visits for all. This allows us to ensure your loved one is available and not participating in therapy or one of the activities when you arrive for you visit. For visitation appointments, please contact the center at 203-881-2555 and ask for a member of the Recreation team.
Finally, please call into the Receptionist to be added to the email list. Thank you for your time and I look forward to meeting you over the summer months. Please stay safe and continue to follow CDC guidelines.
Best regards,
Patrick McDonnell, Administrator